public struct GuideToDoubleFunction

A callable struct that translates any value into a double

private auto convert(T)(
    in T value, 
    bool scale = true) const

Convert the value to double

public auto opCall(T)(
    in T value, 
    bool scale = true) const

Call the function with a value

public double delegate(double) doubleConvert

Function that governs translation from double to double (continuous to continuous)

public double delegate(string) stringConvert

Function that governs translation from string to double (discrete to continuous)

public Nullable!(double delegate(double)) scaleFunction

Additional scaling of the field (i.e. log10, polar coordinates)


double delegate(double)

Function that governs translation from double to double (continuous to continuous)

double delegate(string)

Function that governs translation from string to double (discrete to continuous)

Nullable!(double delegate(double))

Additional scaling of the field (i.e. log10, polar coordinates)


private, autoconvertconst

Convert the value to double


Call the function with a value